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Condition ratings

The surveyor gives condition ratings to the main parts (the ‘elements’) of the main building, garage and some outside elements. The condition ratings are described as follows:

  • Documents we may suggest you request before you sign contracts.
  • Condition rating 3 – Elements that require urgent attention. These elements have defects that are serious and/or need to be repaired, replaced or investigated urgently. Failure to do so could risk serious safety issues or severe long-term damage to your property.
  • Condition rating 2 – Elements that require attention but are not serious or urgent. These elements have defects that need repairing or replacing, but are not considered to be either serious or urgent. These elements must also be maintained in the normal way.
  • Condition rating 1 – No repair is currently needed. The elements listed here must be maintained in the normal way.

Level 1 RICS Survey

The RICS Home Survey – Level 1 service includes:

  • a physical inspection of the property and
  • a report based on the inspection.

The surveyor who provides the RICS Home Survey – Level 1 service aims to:

  • describe the part or element in enough detail so that it can be properly identified
  • provide a clear and concise expression of the surveyor’s professional assessment of each part or element
  • describe the condition of the part or element that justifies the surveyor’s assessment and help you gain an objective view of the condition of the property.
Sample Level 1 Survey

Level 2 RICS Survey Report

The RICS Home Survey – Level 2 (survey only) service includes:

  • a physical inspection of the property and
  • a report based on the inspection.

The surveyor who provides the RICS Home Survey – Level 2 (survey only) service aims to give you professional advice to:

  • make an informed decision on whether to go ahead with buying the property
  • take into account any repairs or replacements the property needs, and
  • consider what further advice you should take before committing to purchasing the property.
Sample Level 2 Survey

RICS Level 2 Survey Report and Valuation

The RICS Home Survey – Level 2 (survey and valuation) service includes:

  • a physical inspection of the property
  • a report based on the inspection and
  • a valuation, which is part of the report.

The surveyor who provides the RICS Home Survey – Level 2 survey and valuation service aims to give you professional advice to help you to:

  • make an informed decision on whether to go ahead with buying the property
  • make an informed decision on what is a reasonable price to pay for the property
  • take into account any repairs or replacements the property needs, and
  • consider what further advice you should take before committing to purchasing property.
Sample Level 2 Survey and Valuation

RICS Level 3 Survey Report

The RICS Home Survey – Level 3 service includes:

  •  a thorough inspection of the property and
  • a detailed report based on the inspection.

The surveyor who provides the RICS Home Survey – Level 3 service aims to give you professional advice to:

  • help you make a reasoned and informed decision when purchasing the property, or when planning for repairs, maintenance or upgrading the property
  • provide detailed advice on condition
  • describe the identifiable risk of potential or hidden defects
  • propose the most probable cause(s) of the defects based on the inspection and
  • where practicable and agreed, provide an estimate of costs and likely timescale for identified repairs and necessary work.
Sample Level 3 Survey

Why you should trust us


85% of our Work is true referrals from a Professional contact (figures 2022/2023 based on turnover) we are an owner managed business and consider our reputation to be the single most important accolade.


Our efficient in-house administration team will liaise with the seller or their agents and following the inspection, our surveyors will call to discuss the broad outline of their findings our reports are typically issued within three days of the inspection.


With over 50 years of collective experience, our team has a wealth of knowledge to enable you to reduce risk and make informed decisions based upon sound facts and research.