

3 October 2015

RICS calls for increased housing supply

RICS calls for increased housing supply

RICS is calling on Government to expand the nation’s housing supply across all sectors – from owner occupied, social housing and private rented sectors – through their new Residential Policy Paper.

Expanding supply is not just limited to new builds but optimising how we use existing and empty stock.

Recommendations include:

■Older homeowners should receive greater support to transition into retirement or smaller properties, releasing £820billion* property assets or 2.6 million* family homes.

■New developments should have a statutory percentage of affordable rented accommodation.

■Second homeowners need to be encouraged to make property available for sale or long term let.

■Increasing the supply of land available for housebuilding across the country by incentivising private landowners through the tax system to sell disused plots and including private sites in the brownfield register.